Resume Parser using ChatGPT

Resume Parser using ChatGPT

ChatGPT-based resume parsing product is a state-of-the-art tool that can parse and analyze candidate resumes in PDF and DOC formats, quickly and accurately extracting key information such as contact information, work experience, academic qualifications, and more.

Text To Musical Video Generator

Text To Musical Video Generator

Using latest Music Generation model, we have created this Text To Musical Video generator which lets user input prompt and create a musical video by generating tune as per the input. User can also opt for uploading their own images. If user doesn't upload images then system will find relevant images to generate the video.

Web-based Voicebot using ChatGPT

Web-based Voicebot using ChatGPT

Experience the real time interactive voice chatbot! This ChatGPT based PKbot can talk with user and provides information about our company Pragnakalp Techlabs.

Speech To Text / Audio Transcription

Speech To Text / Audio Transcription

Try out our demo of Speech To Text or Audio Transcription.

NLP Based Paraphrasing -

NLP Based Paraphrasing

We have developed advanced NLP model to help budding writers write better by offering them paraphrasing of sentences. Input one sentence and our model will come up with various ways to write the same sentence in a different manner. It is even capable to paraphrase/rewrite the whole article.

NLP based Resume Parser in Python (Beta)

NLP based Resume Parser in Python (Beta)

Extracting information from resumes is tricky as resumes don't come in a set format. We have taken it as a challenge and developing this NLP based system which will be able to fetch various information from resume like Name, Phone number, Email, Skills, Address, University, Designation, Work Experience, Companies worked for and much more.

Named Entity Recognition Demo

BERT and BIOBERT Based Named Entity Recognition (NER)

Our demo of Named Entity Recognition (NER) using BERT extracts information like person name, location, organization, date-time, number, facility, etc. from the given input. And our demo of Named Entity Recognition (NER) using BIOBERT extracts information like Anatomy, Disease, Protein etc. from the given input. Try with your own input and provide your feedback.

Smart Chatbot Using BERT & Dialogflow -

Text Summarization

Text summarization using machine learning and artificial intelligence.

 Movie Recommendation System

Movie Recommendation System

We have created this movie recommendation system which uses BERT embedding to generate recommendations.

NLP based Resume Parser in Python (Alpha)

Product Recommendation System

We created the demo of this product recommendation system which works on the liking of products by the users.

Question Generation System

Question Generation System

Explore our Natural Language Processing (NLP) based question generation system developed using T5 transformers model.

Sentiment Analysis -

Sentiment Analysis

Using various methods and algorithms we have developed multiple Sentiment Analysis demos. Try them out!

Emotion Detection

Emotion Detection

Detect emotions like Love, Joy, Anger, Fear, Sadness, Surprise from the text based data.

Emotion Detection System

Audio Emotion Detection

Detect emotions like Love, Joy, Anger, Fear, Sadness, Surprise from the user audio or pre-defined audio samples.

BERT based chatbot -

Closed-Domain Chatbot using BERT

Unlike our BERT based QnA system, you can get quicker responses for your queries. It looks like a proper chatbot with a caveat that it is closed-domain which means it fetches answers from given paragraph only. It is available for multiple languages.

BERT based QnA -

BERT based QnA

Question and Answering system from given paragraph is a very basic capability of machines in field of Natural Language Processing. Test our BERT based QnA with your own paragraphs and your own set of questions. Not only for English it is available for 7 other languages.

Smart Chatbot Using BERT & Dialogflow -

Smart Chatbot Using BERT & Dialogflow(Beta)

Try your hands on our most advanced fully Machine Learning based chatbot developed using BERT and Dialogflow. In this closed-domain chatbot you can ask question from the book "India Under British Rule". Now our BERT based system fetches answer within 3-4 seconds (without GPU) from the text of half a million characters length.